Load up your new e-reader with great books + a fantastic Giveaway!

Wishing you a holiday season filled with joy and love!

The Stocking Your E-Reader Sale started today! You can grab a copy of Deadly Shadow (The Assassin Chronicles – Book 1) for $0.99 and other awesome ebooks from free to cheap!

You can also win a Kindle Paperwhite (US only No purchase necessary to win.


Love #audiobooks? ICEHAVEN is now available at Audible! #audiobook #dystopian

ICEHAVEN (Sum of all Tears – Book1) is now available at Audible narrated by Jennifer Swanepoel.

Length: 7 hrs and 33 mins
Genre: YA/NA Dystopian


Audible US

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Coming soon to Amazon and iTunes.

Publishers Weekly Review of ICEHAVEN #dystopian #paranormal #Canauthors

I am absolutely thrilled to have received this wonderful review from Publishers Weekly for ICEHAVEN (Sum of all Tears – Book 1)!

“Crime writer Cresswell (Deadly Shadow) and romance author Chester (Tied Together) successfully step into the postapocalyptic genre with this tale of good intentions and terrible results. August Madison is in the audience for the unveiling of her father’s technology to fix Earth’s warming climate when the auditorium comes crashing down on her. When she next opens her eyes, she sees nothing but snow and ice. Soon she learns that she’s somehow come back to life several weeks after the disaster—and that her father’s intended climate repair has instead turned the entire planet to frozen tundra. With new friends, she fights to survive, battling both the weather and other factions looking for supplies. Meanwhile, Coast Guard cadet Brandon Church, a childhood friend of August’s, is stranded with his crew and their fortunately well-stocked ship in the middle of the frozen ocean. They’re rescued by financier Graysen Marx, who helped fund the cooling project, and taken to Liberty, a prototype biodome Graysen created that’s now the only chance of survival on Earth. August and her crew eventually make their way to Liberty, hoping to find peace and safety there, but power goes to Graysen’s head, leading him to make deadly choices. The survivors’ fear and desperation will keep readers engrossed from the beginning. Fans of apocalyptic stories looking for a change from tales of melting ice caps will enjoy this cooler treat.” (BookLife)


What Others Are Saying About ICEHAVEN and Limited Time $0.99 Deal! #99cents #Sale #RT

What others are saying about ICEHAVEN

“The authors’ worldbuilding is remarkable.”

“Daring action…a brilliantly original plot…one heck of a chilling and chaotic ride!”

“Cresswell and Chester have come up with magic in this chilling collaboration.”

“It was terrifyingly easy to imagine this fate for today’s world.”

“A great fictional story showing the aftermath when a global catastrophe strikes. A must read!”

Buy ICEHAVEN for $0.99 until July 31st

Discover ICEHAVEN where anyone can be friend or foe! #Canauthors #newrelease #amreading

Icehaven, the first book in the Sum of all Tears is here!  Now available in eBook, paperback and coming soon in audio!

The Day after Tomorrow meets Mad MaxThe Handmaid’s Tale and The Hunger Games in this enthralling post‑apocalyptic dystopian adventure with a paranormal twist.

They said it wouldn’t happen. Everything would be better. They were wrong. 

After a climate change experiment goes terribly wrong, August Madison, finds herself resurrected in a frozen wasteland.

With most of the world’s population and food sources annihilated, depraved nomadic gangs patrol the lawless landscape as outlasters claw for survival.

Amid the chaos, Graysen Marx, iron-fisted leader of the domed settlement Liberty, emerges from the catastrophic event with his own agenda.

When August crosses his path, he sees an opportunity he must exploit.

She sees an evil she must destroy.

Fans of The Day after Tomorrow, The Handmaid’s Tale, Mad Max, and The Hunger Games are sure to enjoy this enthralling post‑apocalyptic dystopian epic adventure with a paranormal twist.

Buy ICEHAVEN in eBook

Buy ICEHAVEN in Paperback


Pre-order LIBERTY in eBook

A new enemy rises. Surviving the cold is only the beginning.

In the second installment of the exciting Sum of all Tears series, a core group of survivors from Liberty travel to Boston, endangering themselves and those they left behind in a winner-takes-all showdown that will leave readers breathless.


Cover Reveal: Liberty (Sum of all Tears – Book 2) #series #bookcovers #dystopian

ICEHAVEN releases in five days and we have good news! We are extremely excited to bring you this new post‑apocalyptic dystopian story!

On April 30th, you will also be able to pre-order LIBERTY, the second book in the Sum of all Tears series at Kobo, iBooks and Barnes & Noble!

Keep up-to-date by visiting sumofalltears.com.

Official Statement Regarding the Cursed Lands Box Set and ICEHAVEN #amwriting #amreading

***Official Statement Regarding the Cursed Lands Box Set and ICEHAVEN***

On March 13, 2019, without warning, I received the rights back from the *publisher* for ICEHAVEN, one of the books in the Cursed Lands Box Set (Release Date: May 7th).

I will not go into the details of what happened publicly at this time. You are free to contact me privately if you have any questions.

As far as ICEHAVEN is concerned, we will update readers next week. We are very excited to get the story out and into the hand of our fans. ICEHAVEN will be coming!

To the authors who are still involved with the Cursed Lands Box Set, I wish you great success in the future. It was a pleasure meeting and working with you.

For German readers…It’s release day for DAS EXPERIMENT!

Release day is always an exciting time but it’s even more thrilling when your first foreign translated book (Reflection) is released by German publisher – Luzifer Verlag!

DAS EXPERIMENT (ein Whitney Steel Roman): Romantik-Thriller (German Edition) is now available in eBook and paperback!
“DAS EXPERIMENT ist ein zutiefst emotionaler Romantik-Thriller, der kühn beginnt und seine Leser bis zur allerletzten Seite in seinem Bann hält.” [NY-Times-Bestseller-Autorin Dianna Love]

Whitney Steel, Enthüllungsreporterin aus Florida, hat lange genug im Schatten ihres legendären Vaters gelebt. Um sich zu beweisen, muss sie die nächste große Story finden.
Und sie hat sie gefunden.
Doch wird sie ihr nun zum Verhängnis?
Nachdem sie einen Hinweis bekommen hat, der zum ersten geklonten Menschen der Welt führt – einem Mädchen – schwört sich Whitney, die Wahrheit ans Licht zu bringen. Allerdings hat das Durchstöbern der Fakten gefährliche Folgen; darunter Todesdrohungen und Mord.
Als sie beinahe getötet und im letzten Moment von Blake Neely gerettet wird, einem verdeckt arbeitendem FBI-Special-Agent, lässt dieser sie um keinen Preis zwischen sich und sein Ziel kommen – zumindest nicht am Anfang.
Beide sind gefangen in einem tödlichen Spiel zwischen einem von genetischer Perfektion besessenen Milliardär, seinem nach Vergeltung dürstenden Auftragskiller und einem kolumbianischen Drogenboss, der direkt nach seiner Entlassung aus dem Gefängnis fest entschlossen ist, sich für den Tod seines Zwillingsbruders vor über einem Jahrzehnt an Blake zu rächen …
Können sie ein unschuldiges Kind retten, bevor es zu spät ist?
Im Angesicht schwerer Entscheidungen mit tödlichen Konsequenzen, realisiert Whitney schon bald, dass eine Story manchmal mehr ist als bloß eine Story.

Now available at Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Google Play and other fine stores.

3-book German translation deal: Introducing…DAS EXPERIMENT #publishingnews #news #writing

The first Whitney Steel novel (Reflection) has been translated into German by my awesome German publisher Luzifer Verlag! The other two books (Retribution and Resurrect) will be coming soon in the 3-book deal.
For German readers…DAS EXPERIMENT is now available to pre-order in ebook and paperback. Release date: February 28th.
Whitney Steel, Enthüllungsreporterin aus Florida, hat lange genug im Schatten ihres legendären Vaters gelebt. Um sich zu beweisen, muss sie die nächste große Story finden.
Und sie hat sie gefunden.
Doch wird sie ihr nun zum Verhängnis?
Nachdem sie einen Hinweis bekommen hat, der zum ersten geklonten Menschen der Welt führt – einem Mädchen – schwört sich Whitney, die Wahrheit ans Licht zu bringen. Allerdings hat das Durchstöbern der Fakten gefährliche Folgen; darunter Todesdrohungen und Mord.
Als sie beinahe getötet und im letzten Moment von Blake Neely gerettet wird, einem verdeckt arbeitendem FBI-Special-Agent, lässt dieser sie um keinen Preis zwischen sich und sein Ziel kommen – zumindest nicht am Anfang.
Beide sind gefangen in einem tödlichen Spiel zwischen einem von genetischer Perfektion besessenen Milliardär, seinem nach Vergeltung dürstenden Auftragskiller und einem kolumbianischen Drogenboss, der direkt nach seiner Entlassung aus dem Gefängnis fest entschlossen ist, sich für den Tod seines Zwillingsbruders vor über einem Jahrzehnt an Blake zu rächen …
Können sie ein unschuldiges Kind retten, bevor es zu spät ist?
Im Angesicht schwerer Entscheidungen mit tödlichen Konsequenzen, realisiert Whitney schon bald, dass eine Story manchmal mehr ist als bloß eine Story.



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