For German readers…It’s release day for DAS EXPERIMENT!

Release day is always an exciting time but it’s even more thrilling when your first foreign translated book (Reflection) is released by German publisher – Luzifer Verlag!

DAS EXPERIMENT (ein Whitney Steel Roman): Romantik-Thriller (German Edition) is now available in eBook and paperback!
“DAS EXPERIMENT ist ein zutiefst emotionaler Romantik-Thriller, der kühn beginnt und seine Leser bis zur allerletzten Seite in seinem Bann hält.” [NY-Times-Bestseller-Autorin Dianna Love]

Whitney Steel, Enthüllungsreporterin aus Florida, hat lange genug im Schatten ihres legendären Vaters gelebt. Um sich zu beweisen, muss sie die nächste große Story finden.
Und sie hat sie gefunden.
Doch wird sie ihr nun zum Verhängnis?
Nachdem sie einen Hinweis bekommen hat, der zum ersten geklonten Menschen der Welt führt – einem Mädchen – schwört sich Whitney, die Wahrheit ans Licht zu bringen. Allerdings hat das Durchstöbern der Fakten gefährliche Folgen; darunter Todesdrohungen und Mord.
Als sie beinahe getötet und im letzten Moment von Blake Neely gerettet wird, einem verdeckt arbeitendem FBI-Special-Agent, lässt dieser sie um keinen Preis zwischen sich und sein Ziel kommen – zumindest nicht am Anfang.
Beide sind gefangen in einem tödlichen Spiel zwischen einem von genetischer Perfektion besessenen Milliardär, seinem nach Vergeltung dürstenden Auftragskiller und einem kolumbianischen Drogenboss, der direkt nach seiner Entlassung aus dem Gefängnis fest entschlossen ist, sich für den Tod seines Zwillingsbruders vor über einem Jahrzehnt an Blake zu rächen …
Können sie ein unschuldiges Kind retten, bevor es zu spät ist?
Im Angesicht schwerer Entscheidungen mit tödlichen Konsequenzen, realisiert Whitney schon bald, dass eine Story manchmal mehr ist als bloß eine Story.

Now available at Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Google Play and other fine stores.

Join the fun! DEADLY SHADOW #Audiobook Tour – Nov. 15-21 #reviews #Giveaway

The DEADLY SHADOW audiobook is on a blog tour with AudioBookWorm! Follow the tour below and don’t forget to enter in the great giveaway! Win 3 audiobooks –  Whitney Steel Trilogy (Audible US)!

iTunes and Amazon

Nov. 15th:
Dab of Darkness Book Reviews (Review, Giveaway)
The Book Addict’s Reviews (Review, Spotlight + Audio Excerpt, Narrator Interview)

Nov. 16th:
In Patti’s Imagination (Review)
T’s Stuff (Spotlight + Audio Excerpt, Narrator Interview, Giveaway)

Nov. 17th:
Bound 4 Escape (Review, Giveaway)
The Book Junkie Reads . . . (Spotlight + Audio Excerpt, Giveaway)

Nov. 18th:
Bookworms Corner Blog Spot (Review, Spotlight + Audio Excerpt, *Narrator Interview, Giveaway)
Smada’s Book Smack (Review, Spotlight + Audio Excerpt, Giveaway)

Nov. 19th:
Angel’s Guilty Pleasures (Spotlight + Audio Excerpt, *Author Interview, Giveaway)
Turning Another Page (Review, Spotlight + Audio Excerpt, Giveaway)

Nov. 20th:
Book Addict (Review, Spotlight + Audio Excerpt, Author Interview, Giveaway)
Jazzy Book Reviews (Spotlight + Audio Excerpt, Author Interview, Giveaway)
Guilty Indulgence Bookclub (Review, Spotlight + Audio Excerpt, Narrator Interview)

Nov. 21st:
Lomeraniel (Review, Giveaway)
Haddie’s Haven (Review, Spotlight + Audio Excerpt, Giveaway)
2 Girls and A Book (Review, Giveaway)

Audiobook lovers rejoice! The Whitney Steel Trilogy is Here! #audiobooks

Audiobook lovers rejoice! All three Whitney Steel novels are available now available at Amazon, Audible, and iTunes! The series is narrated by Rebecca Hansen.

Click to listen to the retail audiobook sample
Available at Amazon, Audible, and iTunes

Click to listen to the retail audiobook sample
Available at Amazon, Audible, and iTunes

NEW!  Click to listen to the retail audiobook sample
Available at Amazon, Audible, and iTunes


Cover Reveal: The Whitney Steel novels are getting a bold new look! #action #thriller #romance

The Whitney Steel novels are getting brand new book covers and they rock! The new eBook, paperback, and audiobook covers will be available soon.

Book #Review: RESURRECT (A Whitney Steel Novel – Book 3) #action #romantic #thrillers

I’m thrilled to have received a fantastic 4 Star review for RESURRECT (A Whitney Steel Novel – Book 3) from InD’Tale Magazine!

“Two scientists are found murdered, and their research was deadly. Investigative reporter Whitney Steel finds herself in a race against time to prevent a virus being released. With her FBI Agent husband, Blake, Whitney fights enemies they thought had been removed from their lives for good. In the process, they face startling new revelations about Whitney’s past that could change everything and threaten the newlyweds’ happiness forever…”
– Lynn-Alexandria McKendrick (reviewer, InD’Tale Magazine)

Read the full editorial review on page 96 and 97 in the February 2018 issue of InD’Tale Magazine or here.


Whitney Steel Novels: Interview with a Villain – Nathan Shaw #books #characters

Meet Nathan Shaw from Reflection, Retribution and Resurrect. Let’s get started with the interview.

What one word best describes you?

Nathan: “Distinct.“

What are you passionate about these days?

Nathan: “What I have been passionate about most of my life. Genetics and cloning. I do not understand why people recoil at the idea of human copies—healthy manufactured humans.“

You were one of the first companies to clone animals almost thirty years ago. Would you consider cloning humans?

Nathan: “Of course if it was legal in this country. Hopefully, it will be one day.“

What is something people would be surprised to know about you?

Nathan: “I was Las Vegas Man of the Year six years running and made the cover of Time magazine twice.“

You just won a huge lottery what is the first thing you’d buy?

Nathan: (Glances at the wall clock) “Apparently, you haven’t done any background on me. If Miss Steel was conducting this interview, at least she would have done her homework first. I own ShawBioGen, a seventy-five billion dollar Biotech company. The last thing I need is money.”

Who should play you in a film?

Nathan: “John Malkovich. Brilliant actor. I heard he gave a stellar performance portraying serial killer, Jack Unterweger, on stage in Vienna.“

Who is your favorite author?

Nathan: “Elmore Leonard. I enjoy his realism writing style.“

Do you play any sports?

Nathan: “No, I run a couple miles daily to keep in shape.“

What would we find under your bed?

Nathan: (Glances at the clock again) “If you are going to continue with this silly line of questioning, we are done here.”

Ok, then…what is something you want people to know about you?

Nathan: That I have done a lot of good in my life. I’ve donated millions of dollars a year to food banks and homeless shelters around the country and will continue to do so. I’ve also put millions into healthcare and scientific research.“

Tell us about your greatest achievement.

Nathan: “There have been so many but I can’t discuss my greatest at this point. Instead I will say…developing medications that cure diseases and improve lives. In particular, genetic illnesses and recessive disorders that devastate families. Apparently, you didn’t read my company’s press kit. You really do remind me so much of the lovely, Miss Steel.”

What was the scariest moment of your life?

Nathan: “When my sister died of Menkes Syndrome, a dreadful disorder that affects copper levels in the body, leading to copper deficiency and extensive neuro-degeneration of the brain and eventual death. Like most children with Menkes, they die within the first decade of life, usually infancy, as Katherine did. She’s the reason I began my research work into genetic disorders.“

Is there a piece of advice that you have received that has really stuck with you? If so, what was it?

Nathan: “The first rule of business. Employees are replaceable.”

If you could apologize to someone in your past, what would you say?

Nathan: I don’t apologize. I have nothing to apologize for. I do, however, have a message for FBI agent, Blake Neely, and the lovely, Miss Steel.”

And what’s that?

Nathan: “Don’t get too comfortable…you are replaceable.”

That sounds like a threat.

Nathan: (Smiles)

Meet Whitney Steel! GET Reflection (Book 1) for #FREE #IAN1 #ASMSG

Happy 3rd Book Anniversary! It was three years ago this month when Reflection, the first book in the action-packed Whitney Steel series was published. It’s been an incredible journey thanks to thousands of readers who have enjoyed the series so far. Thank you!

To celebrate this wonderful anniversary, I’m offering Reflection (A Whitney Steel Novel – Book One) for FREE for a limited time! It’s a great time to meet investigative reporter Whitney Steel and friends.

What Others Are Saying

“Reflection is a deeply emotional romantic suspense that starts bold and holds you captive to the very end.” New York Times Bestseller, Dianna Love

“This was definitely an intriguingly phenomenal read. Cresswell is an amazingly captivating and suspenseful storyteller who is able to switch gears at the flip of the hat.” Pure Jonel Book Reviews

“Cinematic writing, powerful visuals, sleek, fast, utterly sexy, notches above anything we have read before!” UP Authors

“Action packed from page one…an impressively laid out passionate thrill ride!” InD’Tale Magazine (

“I anticipated a Booth and Bones relationship (from the Bones TV Series) and I wasn’t wrong…this book is definitely worth reading.” Quality Reads UK Book Club

(contains violence and sexual situations)

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Don’t forget to grab a copy of Retribution (Book Two) and Resurrect (Book Three)! You aren’t going to want to miss the rest of the exciting romantic thriller series! Watch for Redemption (A Whitney Steel Novel – Book Four) coming in 2018!


RESURRECT – Book 3 of the action-packed Whitney Steel series is here! #newrelease #IAN1

Resurrect is here!

Whitney Steel is back in the third book of the action-packed Whitney Steel series! A heart-pounding thriller about an infectious outbreak in the tradition of Robin Cook and John J. Nance.

After two prominent scientists working at privately owned BSL-4 labs in Nevada and Texas are found murdered, no one makes the connection until investigative reporter, Whitney Steel, receives information about a possible biological attack using a new chimera virus known as ‘Resurrect’.

But when Whitney begins to unravel the truth as to who is behind the threat, enemies far and near surface, and a shocking discovery into the past may change her life forever in a race against the clock.


Barnes & Noble

Available in trade paperback and coming soon in audio!


Get caught up with the rest of the Whitney Steel series!

Reflection (A Whitney Steel Novel – Book One)

A page-turning debut in the tradition of Karin Slaughter, Lisa Gardner and Michael Connelly.  Reflection is a romantic thriller fueled with heart-pounding suspense and high-octane action.

“A deeply emotional romantic suspense that starts bold and holds you captive to the very end.” — New York Times Bestseller, Dianna Love

Florida investigative reporter, Whitney Steel, has lived in the shadow of her legendary father long enough. To prove herself she needs to find the “Big” story.
She found it. Now it may kill her.
After receiving a lead pointing to the world’s first cloned human, now a small child, Whitney vows to unravel the truth. However, sifting through the facts proves to have dangerous results, including death threats and murder.
When she’s nearly killed, but is saved by undercover FBI Special Agent, Blake Neely, he refuses to let her get in the way of his own objective–at least not right away.
Caught in a lethal game between a billionaire obsessed with genetic perfection, his hit man’s thirst for retribution, and a Colombian drug lord fresh out of prison determined to make Blake pay for his twin brother’s death over a decade ago…
Can they save an innocent child before it’s too late?
Faced with tough choices, with deadly consequences for many–Whitney soon realizes that sometimes a story becomes more than just a story.

Barnes & Noble:


Retribution (A Whitney Steel Novel – Book Two)

Whitney Steel is back in the action-packed sequel to Reflection! Whitney Steel is back in the action-packed sequel to Reflection!

For fans of Russell Blake, Karin Slaughter and Lisa Gardner. Retribution is a romantic thriller fueled with action-packed suspense.

“Retribution pulls the reader in from the first page and delivers twists until the very last word! — Stacy Green, international bestselling author of Tin God

Once the leader of the Sur del Calle cartel, Colombia’s largest drug trafficking organization, Pablo Sanchez patiently waits to exact his revenge against Blake Barnett, the FBI agent who killed his twin brother over a decade ago.After one failed attempt forces Sanchez to flee the United States, he hatches a bold new plan. This time Blake has something to lose: his fiancée, Whitney Steel.

From the neon paradise of Las Vegas to the militant-infected jungles of Bogota, Blake must risk his life and infiltrate the cartel’s inner world and eliminate the ruthless drug lord.The price of failure is higher than ever as he’s forced to use the woman he loves as a pawn in a deadly game–where the events of the past and present collide.

Barnes & Noble: